Sunday, July 05, 2009

Nitro+ Partners With JAST USA

At the JAST USA panel at Anime Expo, JAST announced some big news concerning new licenses. They have formed a partnership with Nitro+ to bring Nitro's games to the US. The first two titles to come out of this partnership will be Demonbane (Early 2010) and Jingai Makyou (Summer 2010). JAST has also licensed the Yukkuri Panic Series.

Other news from AX was the progress of current JAST titles.

Kazoku Keikaku: Gold, out by end of month
Catgirl:Fall 2009 (Sept/Oct)
Raidy 2: Winter 2009 (Dec)
Cleavage: On hold
Downhill 1: Fall

You can read more on the Nitro+ partnership at the official English website

Image from Wasuremono



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